Weekly Presidents Update Club news you can use…Weekly updates  Congratulations to 15-year-old FINN TAYLOR for achieving his first SOLO flight over the weekend. Finn has been ready for the past few months, Patiently waiting for his Casa medical to come through…another reminder to all new students or those that have a medical up for renewal…don’t delay………. Well Done Finn!. Looking forward to following your progress.  Trivia in the Hangar Update. What a night!. Congratulations to the winning team…….the KIWIFLYERS!!!! Consisting of Gareth, Kylie, Raelene, and myself. Closely followed by Vanessa and her team “3 doors down” from AFT. For those who are not aware, Advanced Flight Theory are now located only 3 doors down the road and have all your Casa documents and charts in their pilot shop. A big thank you to Naomi for getting this up and running and to Ray , and the team of helpers on the day who got the hangar prepared for the night. Wonderfull to welcome new members Mick and Sarah as our trivia hosts and take a look at the cake made by Maude and Naomi!. They did a wonderful job with arranging the food. Well done to you all. It was great to have such enthusiasm and drive in the club. It was a great night and the aircraft even got a wash!     WORKING BEE THIS SATURDAY! 12 pm until 4.00 pm Helpers required..contact Ray on :048 481410 if you can help out.  Josh and Teamika taking a Trial Introductory Flight on Tuesday morning before school. A great way to start the day, sunny blue skies although a little bumpy!  John is back from his well-earned holiday overseas and thankfully he brought the good weather back with him!. Tehlea Grant made the most of her weather opportunity with a lesson this week. Great to see you back Tehlea.   Enjoy your weekend. Warren Schulz SCAC Club President. |