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Congratulations Andrew Draper.

Andrew successfully completed his first solo (in a long time) in a Sling last week. Quentin and Andrew have been up at sunrise over the past few months training for the moment. Well done Andrew. 👏 Its been a pleasure to have yourself and Carol around the club.

Thank you!

Thank you again Craig Byron. Craig arranged to have a hand rail at  the entrance to the club put up.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back Tony Cooper after a recent injury. Tony is back at his Navigation training and enjoying being back in the air.

Chicken on a stick Friday 🐔

A reminder that the Sea Eagles will not be meeting next Thursday 17th August due to the Pacific Air Show Event.

We will want to see your photo’s though, so be sure to send your good ones through!

Sea Eagles member Seb Steele’s Matt Hall Photos taken recently!.

What a great shot!.

Last weeks lucky Meat Tray winner Cooper with Trev (Scottie) McFarlane.

Thanks for your help in the bar last week!.

Meat tray tickets are only  $3.00 each, or 2 for $5.00 or 5 for $10.00!!

Can you believe Jag the Joker has not been won yet.? $3000.00 jackpot!!!!!

All you have to do is purchase a drink, receive a ticket, if your ticket is drawn you then have the chance to reveal the Joker in a deck of cards pinned to the wall.

You have to be here for the draw to win.

Draw takes place 6.30pm every Friday!