Honorary Life Member of the Sunshine Coast Aero Club Neil Carrington sadly passed away this week. Neil was president of the club in 2009 and 2010. Our sincere condolences go out to Neil’s family. FUEL PUMP Thanks to Brad, the fuel pump is back in service! OPERATIONAL MATTERS There are three operational notes that have been activated in FSM. – Reminder: Canopy close on the SLNG after flight – Reminder: Pitot cover placement back on pitot tube after flight – New procedure: seatbelts to be locked (done up) after flight. Compliance with this procedure will remove the risk to solo pilots of a seatbelt potentially interfering with the pilot or control surfaces, should a negative g-force be experienced when the aircraft is in flight. Quentin has been working to update our checklists for the Slings, one item that will soon be included is a flap procedure prior to shutdown. Flaps will be deployed to stage 3/all the way down, to minimise the risk of a pilot or passenger standing on the flaps when getting in/out of the aircraft. AIRCRAFT AUSTRALIA and TNM We are taking expressions of interest from club members who would like to hire C172SP Skyhawk, TNM. Further details are yet to be finalised, registering interest to hire the aircraft will enable planning for the most suitable arrangements to be made. Please email or call to register your interest admin@sunshinecoastaeroclub.com.au  ADSB – SLNG 1132 Sling 1132 is now ADSB equipped. Amongst other benefits, this will enable an improved traffic service when flying OCTA. EURO FOX 8818 Quentin provided an excellent de-brief to the Sea Eagles last night about the contributing factors that lead to the forced landing of Euro Fox 8818. Quentin also provided details of his response, including the MAYDAY call, checklists and techniques he utilised that returned the best possible outcome. Such a session for all members to attend will occur in the coming weeks, more details to follow. AGM and Wings Night Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 22nd October, the AGM will be held from 5pm – 6.30pm and the Wings Night will follow. The Notice of AGM, proxy form and Committee nomination form will be sent out at the end of September to comply with the 21 days notice required by the constitution. If you are, or have, considered nominating for the committee but would like to discuss, please reach out to one of the current committee members. Your current committee is: Warren Schultz, Quentin Carter, Gerry Mussen, Gareth Williamson, Raymond Brown, Lenroy Trimmer and Naomi McQueen. SEA EAGLES Next Meeting THURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER 5pm . ZOOM DETAILS for those unable to attend in person. CLICK HERE MEETING ID: 828 4252 1697 Passcode: 896602 Supporting Club Members and their Businesses. A special mention this week to new member Brad Moldenhauer from Apro Electrix! A keen aviator and readily available to help out in the club. Thanks, Brad for the odd jobs Quentin has got you involved in from day 1! APRO ELECTRIX: 0423 232 519 For your Solar power, Solar Battery Storage, Air conditioning, Smoke Alarms, Property Maintenance, Electrical, Home Automation, and Security Systems. brad@aproelectrix.com.au Save the date and get involved in our next Club function to raise funds for Women’s Cancer Research. Thank you to the many businesses that have donated so far. Your generosity is incredible and we greatly appreciate it. Further details of the prizes and the donating businesses in the coming weeks.   Naomi and Warren handing over a hangar key to Mark from Community Flights this week. “Foxy” the latest club member decided to join in the fun.  Social Friday this week from 4.30 pm. I am on leave until the 26th of September., when our new member “Foxy” will be making a special appearance!. Enjoy your weekend and the school holidays! Teresa. |