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A reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at 5 pm on Saturday 22nd October, ahead of our Wings Night.
In accordance with our Constitution, 3 directors are required to retire
(Gareth Williamson, Gerry Mussen, Warren Schulz) and may be nominated for re-election.
Additionally, Naomi McQueen and Lenroy Trimmer, who were appointed as directors by the Board during the year will require to have their appointments confirmed at the meeting, while Ray Brown and Quentin Carter will continue for a further year.

Attached to this link are:   –      the formal Notice and Agenda for the AGM

  • a Proxy Voting Form
  • and a Nomination of Director Form

Please note the dates for the lodgement of the Proxy and Director Nomination forms.
Looking forward to a good roll-up at the meeting, and a great night following.
Gerry Mussen
Director & Secretary

Nicole McKenzie✈Passed her Human Factors Exam 100%!

Thank you:
Trevor  (Scotty)  McFarlane not only for his bar duties of late, but his help with obtaining  cleaning products for the Mens Room and for the industrial hand wipes in the hangar. Trevor also flew his first Area Solo while I was on leave. Well done!

Craig Byron, through his contacts/sponsors  Dan and Chris Bowden has arranged for some “Bugger Off” for quick cleaning of bug splatter off the aircraft.  Craig has also been doing some aircraft washing so thanks Craig. We are now going to make it a requirement that if you are the last flight of the day, or you see they need it, please give the plane wings a spray and wipe over with “Bugger Off” Only a small amount is required. That way they are ready for the next morning. 

 Hopefully by the time the newsletter is sent Ned will be winning with the new fuel pump.  Thanks Ned!
And a very Happy Birthday for yesterday.

CESNA 172 (Aircraft Australia)
Thank you for your emails regarding the expression of interest in the Cessna 172. 
I will be forwarding your details to Nick at Aircraft Australia who will set you up in their system. 
We should be good to go with this in the next week. 
Cost wise we are looking at $292.00 Solo VDO and  $393.00 Dual VDO .including fuel
Please note: AV GAS ONLY  for VH-TNM  An Av gas fuel card is provided.
Their other C 172’s operate on Mogas
For any further members that are interested who haven’t let me know just send me an email and I can get you set up.

They are everywhere! keep an eye out or book a flight for your own experience. A great time to get back into your training or convince a loved one with a Hands-on Action Flight!

Next Meeting THURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER today 
5pm Meeting start time. Catch up and sim time from 2 pm today. 
ZOOM DETAILS for those unable to attend in person.

MEETING ID: 828 4252 1697
Passcode: 896602

Keep the date free on 14th October! from 5.30 pm. All proceeds raised go to the Cancer Council and are sure to be a fun night. We have had so many great prizes donated by our own members and businesses on and around the Sunshine Coast. Thank you!

This Friday from 4.30 pm we have Quentin providing a debrief on the recent Euro Fox Mayday and crash landing. 
All are welcome.
Enjoy the rest of your week. 




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16 Friendship Drive

Marcoola, Qld 4564


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