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Sunshine Coast Aero Club News

Live ATC

As mentioned earlier in the week we have had some issues with spam emails and links. This has been worked on during the week  with our IT specialists and Mailchimp.  We will keep you posted and hope to have the matter sorted as soon as possible.

Student News

Congratulations to Greg Williams and Craig Byron who both have now obtained their Navigation Cross Country Endorsements.

Lee Hodgson flew her Solo Nav last week so stay tuned for her continued progress. Jordee Fracchia , Jordan James  and Alex Nadiraschwili  are busy building up their Navigation hours and also wont be to far off.

Sawyer Blanchette and his proud dad after Sawyers first solo.Congratulations Sawyer!  

Congratulations to Brayson Brereton  after passing his RPC flight test last week.! I will catch up with a photo of Brayson in the coming weeks, but job well done!.

The Paella Fella will be at the club tomorrow!! Friday, so if you haven’t RSVP’d for his delicious Meat Lovers feast as yet you need to click on the button below.


TRY and FLY Open Day this SATURDAY!

Our Try and Fly Open Day will be running this Saturday from 7.30 am. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us!!! There are still some places available throughout the day for a $99.00 flight.  

Tickets can be purchased through humanitix or through the club directly.

A sausage sizzle will run throughout the day and all members are welcome.

Cran Middlecoat has kindly arranged a wonderful LEGO door prize thanks to The Boeing Company & Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Book Here

Annual General Meeting: AGM

SATURDAY 28 October 4pm

As per the invitation sent out yesterday, its that time of year again for the annual AGM.  

The meeting will commence at 4pm and be followed by a Club  BBQ.

We would love to see as many members there as possible.

Naomi McQueen and Ray Brown will be retiring from the committee and not standing for re-election.

These will certainly be hard shoes to fill and we are very grateful to have Naomi continue with us in her role with the Sea Eagles.

This leaves two position open.

Our current Club President Lenroy Trimmer will be standing for re-election as his term on the committee has as required by the constitution come to an end.

Nomination and Proxy Forms can be found on the button below or at the club.

Nomination and Proxy Forms must be received via Email to :

Before 4pm AEST on Saturday 21st October 2023.


JAG THE JOKER……$900.00 this Friday

MEAT TRAY RAFFLE up for grabs.

Welcome to the Hangar Nathan Higgins and VH-UWI

A couple of  Club members, Ben, Ethan and Hadley were around for the first SEA EAGLES EXPRESS! with Nathan HIggins in his C172 VH-UWI last week. An amazing week for flying….whales and dolphins to be seen.

Thank you Nathan!