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16 year old Finn Taylor passed his RPC on Tuesday morning. Well done Finn! Finn only turned 16 last week so Happy Birthday and what  a great start to your 16th Year!


VH-TNM had a flat tyre over the weekend and the Slings as you are aware have had a bit of a run of recent times. Please be conscious especially with the works going on at the moment out the front with trucks coming and going and a lot of equipment, to ensure you are thoroughly checking aircraft tyres as part of your pre flight checks and if you feel or hear anything unusual prior to take off be sure to make that conscious decision to re check.

A reminder to the SEA EAGLES and any members  to only go airside if you have your ASIC card or are escorted by someone with one, have a safety vest on and don’t wander anywhere, especially with all the works going on out the front. You need to have an “operational need” to be airside.

Instructor Update

A few new faces around the club in the past week or so. I shall do a brief on our new team for next weeks newsletter but in the mean time please make Ty Dekker and Ollie  Plowman our newest instructors feel welcome. You may notice some instructor changes to your bookings as they are now put on the roster. A welcome back to Josh who has been away doing some further advanced  flight training of his own. Great job Josh.

Zac P. and Josh C. enjoying the club before work

Have you noticed the umbrellas? Trev has done a wonderful job out in the ”alfresco”  or “Cage!”

Dates to remember:


SEA EAGLES: Next Meeting Thursday 11th May at 5pm

COFFEE MORNING: Tuesday 6th June at 7.30am

SCAC Presentation for Defence Force Recruiting information session  

Thursday 22nd June at 5pm.

Bit of a treat for Carey Archer and Myself yesterday as 3 very fast F18’ Hornets flew by over the Aero Club. They may have buzzed Quentin and Kevin who were visiting the tower at the time!.

Jag the Joker on again this week with a $1700.00 jackpot!!

Have a great weekend all  and good luck to all the Jag the Joker entries this week!