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Another busy week for students  on Work Experience from Maroochydore High School and Suncoast Christian College.

We have had the pleasure of hosting Mia, Brooklyn and Madison plus a couple of extra  faces you may recognise!.

Monday: Visit to the tower. AFT and a walk around the terminal.

Tuesday: Tour of Caloundra Air Museum

Wednesday: Mc Dermott Aviation tour, Air side tour with  safety officer Rodney who also joined us at the Fire Station for another interesting and fun experience as always!.

Thursday: Another tower visit, (always worth a second visit)  , some Admin

(cant all be fun!) and time on our flight simulator.

Our last day tomorrow with a visit to Life Flight before another group join us next week.

Thank you everyone for helping us out, We are fortunate to be able to show students the options of employment and careers around the Aerodrome, they may not have known about, and the support of the various operations is vital to its success, so a big thank you!.

Chief Pilot Shawn Kelly from Paradise Sea Planes will be guest speaker at next Thursdays  meeting. 20th July from 5pm

Sea Eagles take note! As many of you will be going to the Pacific Airshow in August we will not be having the 17th AUGUST  scheduled SEA EAGLES MEETING.

Congratulations to Jordan James who flew his first Area Solo yesterday. Great job Jordan! Nice photo.


Congratulations to Kai Chapman for passing his Radio and Air law exams this week. Kai has been doing a great job studying hard and  flying every day.

A very special congratulations and recognition to Naomi McQueen during the week  who 20 YEARS ago started her ATC Course in Melbourne.

Congratulations on your milestone.

Navigation Endorsement Training

Nav training began this week for  4 of our students. Lee, JJ, Alex and Damon. They will be back at it this afternoon then again next week.

Our next navigation endorsement  course will take place in September.

Save the dates:

12, 13 , 19 and 20 September.

Bookings are now being taken for September.

Call Admin on 5448 8458 to book your spot.


THIS FRIDAY from 4.30 pm.

Can you believe Jag the Joker has hit $2600.00 !!!?

You have to be in it to win it and someone will eventually!.

Drawn at 6.30 pm along with tickets for our amazing meat tray!.

Come and join in our Social Friday.