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For those unable to access the link to register for the AV Safety special webinar, I have re-attached the link for you.

Special event – webinar – operating at non-controlled aerodromes

Thursday 28 July – 1pm EST – Book your spot now!
How often do you fly in or out of non-controlled aerodromes? What radio calls do you make and how do you know what’s happening in the air around you?

Our free 90-minute webinar will give you a range of tips and tricks for operating safely at non-controlled aerodromes. Speakers include industry experts, airline and recreational pilots who will provide you with a view from their cockpit.

If you fly or intend to fly at a non-controlled aerodrome, this is the webinar for you.

Your safety is in your hands 

Register Today

We look forward to seeing you online!







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