Members Area


Some helpful links to navigate you through your time at SCAC.


Student Resource Center

Browse through our extensive Student Resources Center.  You will find hundreds of files covering student briefings, technical notes, safety publications, airport information and much more.  All files can be viewed and/ or downloaded.

Change Your Password

Need to change your password? Change it here on this simple form.

SCAC Constitution

Download or read the Sunshine Coast Aero Club Constitution.

Aircraft and Instructor Calendar

View the club aircraft calendar and the instructors calendars here. This is only available to current Flying Members!

Update Your Details

Make sure you keep your personal details up to date, especially your contact phone number.

Practice Exams

Keep up to date or test your knowledge with our practice exams

View and Edit Your Membership

Renew or Change your membership type. Don’t let your SCAC membership lapse and get caught out!

Documents and Forms

Find any SCAC documents and forms that you may need here!

Membership Card

Print out your very own SACA membership card! Make sure you print this card on A4 paper in colour and bring it into the club to be laminated.