Spam Issues

View this email in your browserHi all, just an update to advise we are now hopeful the spam issues with the website and our mail chimp account are now resolved. We are aware of the email many of you may have received earlier this morning but we believe this to be the...

Weekly Presidents Update

View this email in your browser Weekly Presidents Update Club news you can use…Weekly updates Congratulations to 15-year-old FINN TAYLOR for achieving his first SOLO flight over the weekend. Finn has been ready for the past few months, Patiently waiting for his...

Press Release

Sunshine Coast Aero Club has acquired a new G1000 flight simulator. View this email in your browser   For Immediate Release Contact: Naomi McQueen 0410 498 190   Press Release  Flying to new heights: Sunshine Coast...

Sunshine Coast Aero Club: Club News

Welcome to the new look “Club News” View this email in your browser Welcome to the new look, Sunshine Coast Aero Club, Club news!.   Happy Birthday John on this week’s 27th Birthday. Lovely to have Valerie with us this year to...

Sunshine Coast Aero Club: Club News

View this email in your browser Well, some BIG news this week. Many of you would have heard by now we will be saying goodbye to CFI John next week as he prepares to take to the skies and a new opportunity up on Horn Island. We would like to wish John all the best with...

Sunshine Coast Aero Club News

View this email in your browser CONGRATULATIONS: Ray Brown✈ Passed his BAK exam  SLING 8667: Sling 8667 is currently offline for a short spell, hopefully back by late Wednesday/Thursday next week.  Just a quick fix however  with maintenance booked...